.... The type of physical and mental disability is diverse, you can interact with children with hearing, visual, physical problems or encounter children with very complex mental and physical problems that force them to use wheelchairs, doing your volunteer work very personalized. The physiotherapists and speech therapists are a gift for these projects, if it is not your case, the physiotherapist will give you basic instructions on how to work with the children, do not worry that it is nothing special.
These projects usually have a great shortage of personnel and lack sufficient funds, and that is why they urgently need volunteers. Due to the nature of this project, the volunteer will make a huge difference in protecting and caring for those who need it most.
+ How you can help
- The condition of these "special" children and adolescents, as they are called there, is very vulnerable, so you should pay close attention to hygiene.
- You will be asked to exercise them in the physiotherapy room or to take them out to the patio to take some air and sun, feed them and clean them after each meal.
- Like all children regardless of their degree of disability, they like to play, pay attention, make them feel loved, give them lots of love and attention.
- In the orphanage the staff of the place is limited and you will be grateful to be able to participate, if it were the case, in the cleaning of the place or the washing and laying of clothes of the children and adolescents even if you are a physiotherapist.
- In the school you work assisting the children of the kindergarden and primary school together with the teacher, they will appreciate very much if you present your own initiatives to do different activities with them.
+ Requirements
Have a basic level of Spanish.
Show a genuine willingness to help. A very affectionate and open attitude
+ Schedule
- The orphanage project is open the whole year from monday to friday from 9:00 to 12:00 hrs and in the afternoons from 15:00 to 17:30 hrs, no work is done on on thursdays.
- The school opens the 3rd week of march until the 2nd week of december from 8:30 to 13:30 hrs
+ A day as a volunteer
On a typical weekday a volunteer will attend the project during 3 to 4 hours - the schedule could be the following:
- 8:00am Breakfast at the host family accomodation.
- 8:30am Walk or bus to project site.
- 9:00am Volunteer tasks start.
- 1:00pm Volunteer tasks end.
- 1:30pm Walk or bus back to host family.
Note: When you have free time in the afternoon you´ll be able to explore the city, plan a short/long trip or other activity during the week(end).