Before sending your application please read our Terms and Conditions below first.
After applying to a program with Volunteering-Peru, there is an agreement between the participant and the organization. Our policy of Terms and Conditions are described below.
- After the application and communication between "Volunteering-Peru" and the participant a volunteer program will be established.
- When both, the volunteer and the organization "Volunteering-Peru", agree with the program and the costs. The volunteer has the obligation to pay the cost of the program to the organization.
- Volunteering-Peru has a very affordable rate for the offered service: USD 80 by registering with gives the volunteer access to Accommodation with a local family in a homestay, Spanish classes and treks, tours and excursions. Above all it gives volunteers as safe and assisted stay guided by a Volunteers´ Coordinator. This registration rate and / or options mentioned are not transferable to third people.
- All transaction costs related to online, bank or other transfers must be covered by the volunteer.
- Program rates may be subject to change, but will not affect volunteers who have already paid their registration fee before the price update.
- Payment of program fees does not guarantee the exact execution of such program when selected. As with all volunteers in developing countries, it is important that they remain flexible. Due to shortage of personnel, school holidays, public or and or religious holidays, etc. it may be required of the volunteer that his or her participation continues in (a) different projects offered by our organization instead of the original one, this may happen exceptionally and always in dialog with the volunteer.
- After application, the volunteer will receive a summary of the program costs, accommodation & travel guide information.
- At least 04 weeks before the program begins, the volunteer is required to have complete the total payment for the program to the organization "Volunteering-Peru".
- When the payment has been made (international transfer), either online or by Paypal there will be an additional charge of 7%. "Volunteering-Peru" will inform the volunteer about it in advance.
- For the conversion of foreign currency, the exchange rate is used at the following web address: http://www.xe.com/ucc/
- We consider that volunteers should be starting at 18 years of age.
- The volunteer is responsible for the possession of his/her documents, money, tickets and travel insurance.
- The volunteer is responsible for the additional expenses of excursions, leisure, etc.
- The volunteer is responsible for transportation from their accommodation to the project and vice versa.
- The volunteer confronts the new culture with an open and positive attitude, does not condemn, respects and adapts to the culture as best as possible.
- The volunteer respects and sustains the rules of the organization.
- The volunteer respects and sustains the rules of their family accommodation:
- Respect the homestay and the roommates. o Communicate with the family when you are sick and cannot go to work. o Communicate with the family when you are traveling or do not spend the night at the homestay. o Ask permission before inviting friends to family accommodations, friends should never spend the night at home. o Smoking is prohibited inside accommodations of our homestays.
- Volunteering-Peru is not responsible for any damage, delay, loss or injury during the volunteer program.
- Volunteering-Peru gives great importance to the safety of the volunteers during the program. Despite the care and competent actions of the coordinators, there is always the risk of incidents. At all times the volunteer must think about their safety and responsible acts. The volunteer must assume the risks associated with travel abroad.
- We consider unexpected circumstances: local disturbances, war, transport blockade, demonstrations, fire, and floods among other natural disasters.
- In case of unexpected circumstances, the volunteer program must be postponed or canceled, "Volunteering-Peru" will make every effort to solve the problems in the best possible way, without having to make a full compensation.
Se debe tener en cuenta que existe un trabajo administrativo y de coordinación antes de su arribo, primero con ud. con los directores de cada proyecto, acomodaciones, escuela y excursiones para que su estancia en nuestra localidad sea lo mas placentera posible, lo que se traduce en gasto de tiempo y costos implicados el cual debes conocer antes de cancelar tu programa.
- Cancellation must be written reporting the reasons of cancellation.
- The program registration fee is never refundable in case of cancellation.
- Las tarifas del programa están sujetas al siguiente cronograma de política de reembolsos:
- Cancelación más de 45 días a partir de la fecha de inicio de la reserva = 100% de reembolso (no incluye las tarifas de transacción bancaria o pagos por internet)
- Cancelación hecha antes de los 30 días del comienzo de su programa = 50% de reembolso
- Cancelación hecha antes de los 14 días del comienzo de su programa = reembolso del 25%
- Cancelación realizada menos de 14 días desde la fecha de inicio de la reserva = Sin reembolso
- Una vez que el programa comience, no habrá reembolsos, ya sean completos o parciales, por cualquier motivo, solo si Volunteering-Peru considera que sean excepcionales
- In case of unexpected difficulties between the volunteer and the host family or the project, Volunteering-Peru will do everything we can to find another host family and/or project for the volunteer.
- En caso el voluntario desee cambiar de proyecto o realizar dos proyectos durante su estancia, deberá abonar 25 USD, de los cuales 20 USD iran al programa y 5 USD lo usaremos para gasto administrativo (documentación y transporte)
- If the volunteer fails to submit the pre-made rules, standards and guidelines applying to participate in the program, Volunteering-Peru reserves the rights to end the program immediately without any refund of fees.
- Volunteering-Peru will always respect the personal information of the volunteer.
- Personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, home address, information about occupation, education, etc. are never given to third parties.
- Information such as name, birth date, passport number will be passed on to the project where volunteers work, this is done for a correct administration and coordination.
- It refers to all information that the volunteer sends to our website, social networks, WhatsApp among others, such as Photographs and video material. The volunteers acknowledge that as part of their participation in the program he or she will be photographed or videotaped with the intention of keeping a record of their participation. The volunteer will be asked beforehand if he /she wants to contribute with a video comment that will help to show in a clearer way, information to other volunteers who wish to participate in our projects.
*Note: Please remember that Volunteering-Peru is a non-profit organization that does not receive government funding or private donations. All fees paid by volunteers are used to cover administrative and development costs, etc. We strive to keep these fees as low as possible to enable more people to actively participate in volunteering.
De alguna manera deseamos apoyar a la gente de nuestra localidad a cambio de una experiencia placentera con los voluntarios y permitir a mas personas participar activamente en el voluntariado. Nuestro trabajo se ve recompensado de alguna forma en comisiones con las familias, clases de Español y excursiones, que son precios muy razonables o por debajo de las tarifas estándares que se ofrece. Te sugerimos a que hagas tus búsquedas por los sitios web y compares! *